5 Employee Hiring Considerations in a New Era

While creating your company’s hiring plan for a post-COVID world, you need to adapt to a new reality. To begin with, your employee hiring considerations should include these trends:

1. Talent Shortage

There is an ongoing talent shortage in many industries, making the hiring more competitive than it has been in a long time. Businesses need to assess what new hires in their industry are looking for and think about how they can meet those wants. Among the steps they can take are:

  • Increasing the effort and budget they allocate to recruiting on social media and job boards. As they do, they should utilize the platforms candidates in their target demographic are most likely to use.
  • Instituting a job referral program. These programs offer bonuses to current employees who refer others to apply to jobs in the company, paid out only after the new hire stays in their position for a certain amount of time.
  • Taking the time needed to hire the right candidate. There are many talented people looking for new positions. Some of them are currently unemployed or underemployed, while others would become willing to switch jobs if their current companies require them to return to the office. If necessary, consider hiring for an interim position or as a contract worker.
2. Corporate Image

Consider your company image, especially as it relates to corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR is an important factor for new hires. Many job candidates will not work for companies whose beliefs might not align with their own.

3. Look Internally for New Talent

A recent Monster survey found that 87% of employers are struggling to fill positions because of a skills gap. It may sound counterintuitive, but there could be someone on staff currently who can be upskilled or reskilled to take on the new position.
The key to accomplishing this is rethinking job performance. An assembly line worker who offers good suggestions for better work processes, for example, has analytical skills and an ability to approach company leaders that may be underused in the worker’s current role. How can those skills be nurtured so this talented person can better use them?

4. Women in the Workforce

Covid-19 has had a disparate impact on men and women. According to the National Women’s Law Center, the percentage of women in the workforce has already dropped to 57% — the lowest level since 1988. Unless employers step in and offer additional support and training, recent projections estimate it will take them two years longer than men to recover.
Companies willing to make an investment can tap into this talent pool. Flexible work schedules and help with child or family care needs are two options, but companies can be creative in offering appealing work arrangements to talented women.

5. Benefits

The pandemic has caused a shift in people’s priorities. When it comes to company benefits, offering free lunch at the office has lost much of its luster. Instead, the workforce wants medical and dental care, they want support for their mental health, and they want to be trained in financial wellness. Most want to continue working remotely at least part time even after the pandemic ends. A recent survey found that 29% of working professionals would quit their jobs if they had to return to the office.

Companies that take the time to strategize about their employee hiring considerations. Hiring practices and benefits packages are likely going to make it much easier to find the help you’re looking for.

How can Capital Payroll Partners help?

Our Hire on the GO product is a fully-integrated online recruiting tool that allows you to hire faster, easier and smarter. Streamline your applicant tracking process to help find and hire great employees. Post jobs online to dozens of job boards, accept resumes, sort through applicants, and seamlessly onboard new hires with Hire on the GO’s easy-to-use online tools. Contact us to learn more or request a payroll pricing quote online!

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