How Easy is it to Outsource Your Payroll?

The decision to outsource your payroll can seem like a difficult one, but it’s well worth it. Not only will outsourcing your payroll to Capital Payroll Partners save you untold amounts of time, but you’ll also be insuring that your business is compliant with ever-changing regulations. 

That all sounds great, right? Here’s even better news: it’s never been easier to outsource your payroll. 

Through talking to our many clients over the years, we’ve found that the biggest reason most of them waited as long as they did to partner with us was their concern over how difficult they think the onboarding process might be.

Needless to say, they were all pleasantly surprised with how simple we made the entire transition!

The Payroll Onboarding Process

Our onboarding procedure is slightly different depending on whether your business is just starting up, or if you’ve been in business for a while and just looking to make a switch from another payroll source. Either way, it’s extremely simple, and we will work hand-in-hand with you and your team throughout the entire process to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible..

Our Procedure for Onboarding a New Business:

  1. We work with you to gather basic business and banking information via 4 single page, digital forms.
  2. We’ll collect your employee’s information via digital forms. This will allow us to enter their personal info, set up direct deposit account(s), and create compliant withholding forms/I9.
  3. Our team trains you or your payroll administrator on how to use our payroll software, and we assist in submitting your payrolls until you feel comfortable doing it on your own with our extremely intuitive software. 

Our Procedure for Onboarding an Existing Business:

  1. We’ll gather basic business and banking information via 4 single page digital forms.
  2. We will access your prior payroll software in order to get current year’s payroll history and employee information. Then, we import current year’s payroll history and employee information into the Capital Payroll software (completely hand’s off process for the client, we do all the work).
  3. Our team trains you or your payroll administrator on how to use our payroll software, and we assist in submitting your payrolls until you feel comfortable doing it on your own with our extremely intuitive software.

As you can see, it’s a simple process whether you have a new business or an existing one! 

It’s Never Been Easier to Outsource Your Payroll

As you can see, we make it easy to use our payroll services. Don’t let the prospect of a burdensome transition prevent you from making an outstanding decision for your business…. consider your outsourcing options today! We’d love to be your payroll partner. To get the payroll outsourcing process started, give us a call at (804) 364-7220, fill out the form below, or get a free quote on our pricing!

We look forward to working with you!

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